(random order)
1. LOST MEMORIES (d. Eamonn Murphy) - 14 min, Ireland, 2017
2. BIRTHDAY (d. Chris King) - 12 min, United States, 2015
3. The Man Up The Stairs (d. Rebecca Gosnell) - Student | Drama | Thriller | Psychological - 15 min, United Kingdom, 2017
4. DOMESTICATED WOLF (d. Elad Primo) - Student - 23 min, Israel, 2016
5. Out of the Blue (d. Darren S Cook) - 14 min, United Kingdom, 2017
6. LEJOE (d. Jonas Stark) - 12 min, South Africa, 2017
7. The Inevitable (d. Daniel Tanielian) - Student | Horror | Mystery - 25 min, Armenia, 2017
8. The Day After (d. Andrea Aglieri) - Drama - 17 min, Italy, 2017
9. Firdaws (d. Mayur Puri) - 14 min, India, 2017
10. The Graduation Speech (d. Eric Porcelluzzi) - Drama | Student - 16 min, Italy, 2016
11. The Madame in Black (d. Jarno Lee Vinsencius) - 23 min, Sweden, 2017
12. Wine and Eggs (d. Sertac Bozkurt) - 4 min, Turkey, 2016
13. The Man Upstairs (d. Julian Butler) - Drama | Suspense | Horror - 9 min, United States, 2017
14. Kübler-Ross (d. Xavier Pijuan) - Drama | Sci-Fi - 7 min, Spain, 2015
15. Inevitable (d. Savvas Christou) - Student - 7 min, United States, 2016
16. A JOB INTERVIEW (d. Antonis Glaros) - Student | Fantasy - 7 min, Greece, 2016
17. Das Fischer (d. Ben Herndon) - 8 min, United States, 2017
(random order)
1. WARDANCE - A Warning to the Future (d. Patrick Fitzgerald) - 28 min, Ireland, 2017
2. Panthers (d. Jake Cauty) - 11 min, United Kingdom, 2017
3. Snow Touched Tea (d. Oguzhan Ihtiyar) - 33 min, Turkey, 2017
4. Artist of Rainbow Street: A Vision of Amman (d. Omar James Kanaan) - 35 min, Jordan, 2017
5. Forgotten Life (d. Philip Spaar) - 3 min, Switzerland, 2016
6. Contrasts of Peru (d. Sebastian Klinger) - 3 min, Switzerland, 2017
(random order)
1. Jamshid; a lament for a myth (d. Moin Samadi) - 12 min, Iran, 2017
2. Never Without My Denture (d. Hugo Favre) - Student | Comedy - 5 min, France, 2016
3. Bare King (d. Hannah Mullen) - Fantasy - 2 min, United States, 2017
4. PARADISE (d. Roi Natan Zukerman, Neta Berkovich ) - Student | Sci-Fi | Thriller | Drama - 4 min, Israel, 2016
5. Weather or Not (d. Soyeon Yoo) - 2 min, United States, 2014
6. Me and My Dog (d. Soyeon Yoo) - Student - 3 min, United States, 2015
7. Falling Tide (d. Ning Cheng) - Student - 4 min, China, 2016
8. Homegrown (d. Quentin Haberham) - Student | Drama - 9 min, United Kingdom, 2017
(random order)
1. The Orchard (d. Reuben Vick) - 21 min - United Kingdom, 2017
2. Long Yearning (d. Elliot Spencer) - 24 min - Australia, 2017
3. VENICE, disjointed images (d. Mario Roccato) - 29 min - Italy, 2017
4. Disjointed images (d. Mario Roccato) - 18 min - Italy, 2017
5. D.C. (d. Luis Esguerra Cifuentes) - 3 min - Colombia, 2017
Music Video
(random order)
1. People of Drought (d. Lior Sperandeo) - Documentary | Web - 3 min, France, 2017
2. MY WAR (d. Francisco Camacho, Nicolas Sola) - 4 min, Spain, 2016
3. 'Till I Can Walk (d. Tyler McElrath) - 5 min, United States, 2017
1. End of Line (w. Paul Hunt) - Comedy - United Kingdom
2. What Falls From The Sky (w. David Morris) - Thriller | Action - United Kingdom
3. Think Forward (w. David Keogh) - Drama | Thriller - United Kingdom
4. All-American (w. Samuel J Narayan) - Canada
5. Kpop (w. Brendan Vogel, Matthew Clingempeel) - United States
Winners - March 2017 | Screening: 23rd of April
The Man Up The Stairs (d. Rebecca Gosnell) - Student | Drama | Thriller | Psychological - 15 min, United Kingdom, 2017
The Inevitable (d. Daniel Tanielian) - Student | Horror | Mystery - 25 min, Armenia, 2017
Firdaws (d. Mayur Puri) - 14 min, India, 2017
DOMESTICATED WOLF (d. Elad Primo) - Student - 23 min, Israel, 2016
Firdaws (d. Mayur Puri) - 14 min, India, 2017
Best Documentary
WARDANCE - A Warning to the Future (d. Patrick Fitzgerald) - 28 min, Ireland, 2017
Panthers (d. Jake Cauty) - 11 min, United Kingdom, 2017
Artist of Rainbow Street: A Vision of Amman (d. Omar James Kanaan) - 35 min, Jordan, 2017
Best Animation
Never Without My Denture (d. Hugo Favre) - Student | Comedy - 5 min, France, 2016
Falling Tide (d. Ning Cheng) - Student - 4 min, China, 2016
PARADISE (d. Roi Natan Zukerman, Neta Berkovich ) - Student | Sci-Fi | Thriller | Drama - 4 min, Israel, 2016
Best Experimental
Long Yearning (d. Elliot Spencer) - 24 min - Australia, 2017
The Orchard (d. Reuben Vick) - 21 min - United Kingdom, 2017
D.C. (d. Luis Esguerra Cifuentes) - 3 min - Colombia, 2017
Best Music Video
People of Drought (d. Lior Sperandeo) - Documentary | Web - 3 min, France, 2017
MY WAR (d. Francisco Camacho, Nicolas Sola) - 4 min, Spain, 2016
Till I Can Walk (d. Tyler McElrath) - 5 min, United States, 2017